David Tenembaum, MD
Jackson Heights
90-01 Roosevelt Ave. Queens, NY 11372
tel: 718-396-2005 | text: 718-500-4920
53-14 Roosevelt Ave. Queens, NY 11377
tel: 718-396-2005 | text: 718-500-4920
-Constipation refers to a condition where there is difficulty in emptying your bowels, usually associated with hardened and dry stools. One does not have to have a bowel movement every day, the normal frequency for an adult is anywhere from 3 per day and 3 per week. In the general population, constipation may affect up to 2-30% and as high as 50-75% in the elderly.
-Constipation may be associated with abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, straining and the sensation that one does not completely pass a bowel movement fully.
-Complications that may form from being constipated are hemorrhoids, bleeding from the rectum, ulcers, anal fissures, fecal impaction and pain.
-Causes of constipation are diet, medications, medical conditions, slow colon transit, a blockage and irritable bowel syndrome.
-Constipation becomes concerning when its associated with weight loss, anemia, new onset in older patients, history of colon cancer, history of inflammatory bowel disease and if there is blood in the stool.
-Treatment is based on correcting the underlying etiology and ruling out more serious causes. Dr. Aviles and Dr. Tenembaum can assist in finding relief with diet change, lifestyle modification and simple medical treatments to help ease the aches associated with constipation. Consult us today at our Jackson Heights or Woodside locations for further medical advise.