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David Tenembaum, MD
Jackson Heights
90-01 Roosevelt Ave. Queens, NY 11372
tel: 718-396-2005 | text: 718-500-4920
53-14 Roosevelt Ave. Queens, NY 11377
tel: 718-396-2005 | text: 718-500-4920

What is Diverticulosis?
-Diverticulosis is the gastrointestinal condition of having small pouches in the large intestine that are not infected or inflamed and typically do not cause any symptoms. They are most likely due to areas of muscle weakness and have a prevalence that increases with age.
How common is Diverticulosis?
-Diverticulosis is a common disorder, especially in older people. Approximately 50% of people over the age of 60 and 70% of people over the age of 80 have diverticulosis.
What are causes of Diverticulosis?
-The cause for diverticulosis is not known, a common theory is that the pressure inside the lumen (which worsens with constipation) pushes against weak spots in the colon wall forming small pouches.
What are symptoms of Diverticulosis?
-Most people are unaware of having diverticulosis and are incidental findings during routine colonoscopy. Some patients may have chronic lower abdominal pain associated with bloating and cramping that may be related to diverticulosis or a history of diverticulitis.
What are some complications of Diverticulosis?
-Diverticula commonly become complicated by bleeding and infection. Diverticular bleeding is painless and the most common cause of acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding and most commonly a self-resolving process. An infection in the diverticula is called diverticulitis. This commonly presents with left lower abdominal pain, fever, tenderness, nausea, fever, chills, vomiting and loose watery stool.
How is Diverticulosis treated?
-Treatment for patient without symptoms or a history of infection and bleeding are not recommended. People who are on a high fiber diet have shown to be at lower risks of developing complications from diverticulosis such as bleeding and infection. Many times people are recommended to avoid
seeds, nuts and popcorn but there has been no scientific data prove this hypothesis therefore it is no longer recommended.
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